• Transport infrastructures
• Roads and highways. Urban roads. Railways. Subways
• New engineering works
• Road and railway bridges and viaducts. Great crossings. Natural and artificial tunnels. Underground works
• Structural consolidation and seismic adaption interventions of existing structures
• Reinforced concrete, masonry, steel historic buildings, • Civil and industrial buildings
• Large civil structures. Industrial plants. Cement plants. Silos. Buildings for sports facilities.
• Hydraulic works
• Hanging and underground tanks. Structures in reinforced concrete for dams. Traverses. Canal bridges. Maritime jetties
• Consolidation works of landslide slopes and embankments. Repairs and strengthening of existing structures
• Controls and monitoring
• Non-destructive checks on materials. Identification of the static and dynamic response of the structures. Definition of the degree of security of a work and planning of interventions.
• Special problems
• Software development
• Static and dynamic analysis of non-linear structures. Studies on seismic risk. Drafting of "expert" softwares.